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How to make a woman laugh and smile? Women are one of the most difficult beings to make laugh and smile. In this video I tried to make a grumpy woman smile at the sound of my piano. Can you identif...

The thermal phenomena are events that occur around us every day and so are part of our common experience. We feel the changes in temperature throughout the day and perceive climate changes caused by variations in atmospheric pressure and temperature.

However, this characterization hides the irreversible character of the dynamics as well as its influence on the phase transition properties. Entropy production has revealed to be an important concept for filling...

Estado de emergencia, 200.000 evacuados y un millón sin luz: las consecuencias de los devastadores incendios de California El fuerte viento continúa extendiendo el fuego por buena Parcela del estado de California, cuya población se enfrentó al mayor apagón de luz controlado en la historia del estado por temor a que puedan surgir nuevos incendios.

The politician’s lawyer says an immigration official has denied travel authorization from Spain, where the separatist leader is wanted for sedition and misuse of public funds

When two bodies are placed in thermal here contact, the hotter body gives off heat to the colder body. As long as the temperatures are different, there will be a flow of heat between them.

The dissipation term is chosen to ensure that the thermodynamic equilibrium is described by the Gibbs state. An expression for the quantum entropy production is also provided which properly des...

La dramática huida do conductores y vehículos atrapados por el daniel dantas ator fuego en una autopista por California

In the previous chapter we studied the Fokker-Planck equation in just one variable. In this chapter we analyze the Fokker-Planck equation in several variables. We consider a system described by N variables x

We have determined the thermal conductance of a system consisting of a two-level atom coupled to two quantum harmonic oscillators in contact click here with heat reservoirs at distinct temperatures.

La "estrategia perfecta" por Cristina Fernández y otras 2 claves que permitieron al kirchnerismo volver al poder en Argentina

"Pelo todos tenemos un Sr. Stark que nos ayude": los ingeniosos carteles qual protagonizaron la protesta pacífica en daniel dantas facebook Chile frente a la violencia

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En otras noticias, dos diplomáticos declaran hoy Derivado do el presunto canal do comunicación informal entre Trump y Ucrania vía su abogado Giuliani; el número de menores arrestados en la frontera bate un ré especialmentecord en 2019 y al menos tres muertos en un tiroteo durante una fiesta en el sur por Los Ángeles. Más información en UnivisionNoticias.usando.

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